The Red Drum Rodeo is focused on bringing the Young Life community together with the coastal Virginia fishing community, through family friendly fishing tournaments. Jack Limroth has been fishing his whole life and has competed in the rodeo for years. The four-day contest held in Virginia Beach and the Eastern Shore raises money for Tidewater Independent Schools Young Life. Limroth, who’s from Virginia Beach and attended Norfolk Academy, participated in the youth group programs as a teenager. Last year he came close to winning the tournament, but decided this year would be his “revenge tour”.

The 127cm “Red Drum” catch is a pending World Record! Caught in the lower Chesapeake Bay in 3-4 foot seas, facing rain with heavy southeastern wind 6/3/2021 at around 11 pm with his friend Wiliam Blomdahl. The two decided to head to their “secret spot” before heading home on day 2 of the tournament. That decision may have netted them the catch of a lifetime.!
Red drum’s main diet is blue crabs, and they come to Virginia in the summer to feast when the water’s warm. Book your fishing trip at or call us at 757.708.0707 to get hooked today!
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